First Aid training - Why knowing what to do is so important
First Aid training - Why knowing what to do is so important
Every year one million children under the age of 18 are taken to Accident and Emergency units after being involved in accidents in the home. Many more are treated at home or by their GP.
Basic First Aid can mean the difference between life and death and can massively improve the chances of someone’s recovery, the amount of pain they are in and how long they need to be in hospital. Prompt First Aid can often help someone recover completely without the need for medical intervention at all! First Aid is immediate treatment and there is usually no time to phone for advice. Instant and appropriate care must be given immediately.
Accidental injury is one of the biggest single causes of death in the UK for children over the age of one. More children die each year as a result of accidents than from illnesses such as Leukaemia or Meningitis.
The recent national "Save a Life Survey" involving over 2000 people, showed that a third of all parents have had to rush their child to hospital at some point. The survey, carried out by Mother and Baby Magazine in association with supermarket chain Tesco, in September 2009, found that 82% of mothers and fathers would not have a clue what to do if their child fell over, started choking or was burned.
The following RoSPA (Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents) statistics make
alarming reading:
- 500,000 children need to go to casualty annually after accidents in the home
- 125,000 children are killed or injured in garden accidents.
- 20,000 children end up in casualty departments with burns
- 5,804 children are injured in road accidents.
- 3,227 children are injured as car passengers
- 100 children die from severe burns every year
- 70 children are killed on the roads every WEEK!
Many of the accidents that happen in and around the home can be avoided. By identifying and understanding potential accident risks in the home, you can take some basic safety steps that will keep your children safe and give you peace of mind.
Most young children have some injuries and accidents. Most will be minor, but it’s sensible to know what to do if the accident or injury is more serious.
Children need to be able to explore and enjoy their environment and they shouldn’t be wrapped in cotton-wool. However basic sensible precautions to keep them safe, along with knowledge as to what to do if an accident occurs, will make a major difference.
I first truly appreciated the importance of First Aid Training when I was working in the Burns Unit. I was looking after a little boy undergoing desperately painful skin graft treatment for his burns. His Mum had panicked when she spilt hot coffee on him and ran outside to get help rather than treating his burns. If she had immediately run the scald under cool running water - he may not even have required hospital treatment.
Book a practical course now, have a go at resuscitating a manikin or removing an obstruction from a choking baby and learn hands-on Life-Saving skills - The skills you learn could equip you with the knowledge to save your child’s life!
Emma Hammett - First Aid for Life.
First Aid for Life is an Award Winning HSE and Ofqual Approved First Aid Training Company and we are the leading suppliers of exemplary First Aid Training in SW London. Our Trainers are medical and emergency services professionals and our courses are tailored to your needs.
This information has been provided for guidance only and is not a substitute for medical advice. First Aid for Life is not responsible or liable for any diagnosis made, or actions taken based on this information. Tel: 0208 6754036.
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