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The bottom line on nappy rash

We've all used the phrase ‘Soft as a baby’s bottom’ from time to time to describe something soft to the touch. But no matter how carefully you look after your baby’s skin, unfortunately they are still likely to get nappy rash at some point.

In fact nappy rash is so common that around a third of nappy wearing infants have nappy rash at any one time, in most cases however, nappy rash is a mild condition which can easily be treated.

MetaniumWhat causes nappy rash?

The main cause of nappy rash is the exposure of a baby’s delicate skin to urine and faeces. Sometimes the friction of the nappy against a baby's sensitive skin or even traces of detergent left in washable nappies can be enough to lead to a baby getting nappy rash. Given the fact that babies' bottoms spend an average of two or more years encased in nappies, it’s no wonder that nappy rash is such a common problem.

What does nappy rash look like?

Simple nappy rash may look pink or even very red (though not bright red). There may be red patches on baby’s bottom, or the whole area may be red. Nappy rash doesn't generally affect baby's health, and the redness shouldn't reach into the folds of the skin, and it usually disappears in a few days.

7 nappy rash trigger times

Recent research has identified seven key trigger times when a baby may be more likely to develop nappy rash. Being aware of these key times should help parents to help prevent an outbreak;

•    Weaning
•    Common cold
•    Teething
•    Antibiotics
•    First sleeping through the night
•    Change in diet
•    Diarrhoea


The best way to deal with nappy rash is to try to prevent it from happening in the first place. These simple steps will help;

•    Change wet or soiled nappies as soon as you can.
•    Leave the nappy off when you can to allow baby's skin to breathe.
•    Clean the whole nappy area thoroughly.
•    Try to avoid using soap, bubble baths, lotions or talcum powder.
•    Use a suitable barrier cream at each nappy change.


Metanium are here to help!

Metanium Nappy Rash Ointment is formulated specifically to soothe and treat nappy rash. When nappy rash has cleared a barrier cream or ointment like Metanium Everyday Barrier Ointment can be used at each nappy change, to help protect the skin. It’s also available in spray form, Metanium Everyday Easy Spray Barrier Lotion, which protects and moisturises the skin to help prevent nappy rash. Metanium Nappy Rash Ointment is a medicine, always read the label.

Always seek medical advice from your Health Visitor, Practice Nurse, Pharmacist or GP if;

•    The rash doesn’t clear up within a couple of days.
•    Your baby develops a persistent bright red, moist rash or the rash has yellow fluid-filled bumps
•    The rash is getting worse rather than better after using an ointment and the skincare routine outlined above.
•    Your baby has a fever and a raised temperature.


Metanium Everyday Barrier Ointment (RRP £3.25 for 40g) and Metanium Nappy Rash Ointment (RRP £3.99 30g) are available from selected Asda, Boots, Morrisons, Savers, Sainsbury’s and Tesco stores as well as pharmacies. Metanium Everyday Easy Spray Barrier Lotion (RRP £5.49 for 60ml Spray) is available in selected Boots, Morrisons and Tesco stores.

Visit www.metanium.co.uk for more information about the treatment and prevention of nappy rash.


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