Why first aid skills are important for older children and teenagers
Why first aid skills are important for older children and teenagers
Older children and teenagers may find themselves in situations where basic first aid knowledge could prove extremely invaluable, whether they are caring for a younger sibling or playing with friends, young children and babies can often be accident prone.
When thinking about First Aid the emphasis has historically been on training new parents, child carers and First Aid for the workplace. Babies and children are accident prone and it is vital that those caring for them know exactly what to do if there is an accident; there is a duty of care for workers, but the other major group of risk takers are our teenagers. St John Ambulance have initiated a major campaign to introduce First Aid training to the national curriculum as currently only 2 in 10 schools offer First Aid training and there is no doubt that empowering the next generation with these skills will save lives.A survey, commissioned by the British Red Cross revealed startling statistics:
One in seven young people (aged 11-16) have been in an emergency situation as a result of a friend drinking too much alcohol.
- More than 532,000 young teenagers have been left to cope with a drunken friend who was sick, injured or unconscious in the last year.
- 89 per cent of 11-16 year olds had found themselves confronted with some kind of medical emergency.
- A quarter of young people have had to deal with asthma attacks.
- A third of teenagers have had to cope with someone with a head injury.
- One in five teenagers have been faced with someone who is choking.
When faced with these emergency situations, 44% panicked and 46% simply didn’t know what to do. In the survey’s most compelling statistic, a huge majority (97%of young people), believed first aid education would improve their confidence, skills and willingness to act in a crisis.
First aid is a life skill and gaining a first aid qualification is invaluable to young people striving to achieve their Duke of Edinburgh and Sports Leadership Awards and is highly sought after by UCAS - particularly if applying for a medically related subject. Parents would feel far more confident leaving their little ones with a teenager who has been equipped with the skills to help if there is an accident and Sports and kids clubs see First Aid skills as a necessity.
Therefore not only are the skills hugely valuable, likely to be used and could save a life; the qualification gained is likely to increase a young person’s chances in this highly competitive world.
First Aid for Life runs courses with numerous schools, clubs or groups of friends and provides scheduled tailored courses for specific requirements such as post exam trips away, GAP years, babysitting and sports qualifications.
Please visit www.firstaidforlife.org.uk or email emma@firstaidforlife.org.uk or call 020 8675 4036 for more information about all First Aid for Life courses. First Aid for life provides this information for guidance and it is not in any way a substitute for medical advice. First Aid for Life is not responsible or liable for any diagnosis made, or actions taken based on this information.
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