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Kiddy Cook North London


Kiddy Cook North London

If the mouth-watering pastries seen in the Great British Bake Off have ignited your children's interest in cooking, or they've laughed out loud at Richard Hammond's Blast Lab, then Kiddy Cook's unique cookery classes in North London are perfect for your children.

This new children's activity business has brought together a combination of gastronomic experiences with a health eating programme to show children how to experience "good food" and explore new flavours in a fun and educational way.  "I love working with children and am passionate about cooking and combining the two is a dream job for me." says Nadia Youssof, who runs these North London classes.

She offers classes for all ages: Baby Cook classes 8mths-2yrs, and Cookie Tots 2-4yrs.  The babies explore wet and dry food within a structure programme of play and games, and toddlers explore food and flavours around a musical and singing programme.  She's also goig to launch older children's classes from 4-11yrs children, who will be measuring and weighing ingredients, making cake volcanoes and experimenting with making ice cream in plastic bags.  There is nothing mundane about these groups.  All recipes and menu suggestions have been put together by nutrional experts, and further resources for fussy eaters can be found online.

But Nadia's cooking parties are an inspiration.  The crafty trick here is that the children make their own lunch (or tea) and all the ingredients and utensils are provided by Kiddy Cook.  Every party is tailored to the birthday girl or boy, with bespoke invitations, party bags and a special recipe book.
For further information contact Nadia on 07984 034 644 email: northlondon@kiddycook.co.uk or visit www.kiddycook.co.uk/nadia-north-London

Kiddy Cook

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